On the move

Friday, September 24, 2010

Apologies for the lack of any posts over the past few days. We're on the move and the amount of time this involves, even at this early stage, is staggering.

First it was the estate agent visits, as they took their pictures and came up with suitably flowery descriptions of each room of the house.

The estate agents were followed in very short succession by the viewers. I don't think this place has had so many people through the door since the day we moved in. A lovely bunch they were, and out of them we managed to find ourselves a buyer.

We now appear to have progressed to the Next Level and since we accepted the offer yesterday my phone has been welded to my ear as the solicitors and lenders swing into action.

They are all confident we could be in for a swift transaction. Done and dusted within six weeks. It seems feasible given how quickly the place sold, although I've heard that before.

Last time it took us six months.