If he was anything like the sort of bloke I imagine him to have been, he wouldn't have given a toss for the fact that almost half a century later they would have become the only eyewear he is associated with.
But then he did seem to be a creature of habit. There are plenty of pictures of him on Google, and most of them, if he happens to be wearing shades, have him wearing these Persols.
He liked them so much, it turns out, that he even had favourite colours, and he also liked to wear the bigger 649 version as well.
No doubt he was won over by their collapsible construction and the fact they were made out of one piece of acetate, cut at the hinge points. I know I am.
So intrinsically linked with him have they become that a pair of his original old Persols sold for $70,000 at auction in 2006, simply because they had been on his nose.
Now Persol are to re-release the style, in those favourite colourways of his, including this one with the blue lens. So we can all find out why he liked them so much.