Everyone had a trunk. Even my dear old great gran. Hers is now located in my shed, stuffed with paint pots.
Who would have realised, back in the days before the Titanic when steaming across the Atlantic for two weeks was considered an acceptable mode of transport, that the trunk as a viable piece of tourist luggage would have sunk without trace too?
These days it's all about the wheelie bag, unless you are of a particularly flamboyant bent possessing of a hefty holiday wardrobe.
The trunk has survived as a living room coffee table cum cushion storage device, and Louis Vuitton, far from being some generic garlic-whiffing luggage maker, has become something of a status symbol.
To own a Louis Vuitton trunk these days would either mean you are super-rich, label obsessed or have a rather style obsessed grandma who has just left it to you in her will.
With any luck it will be battered from many decades traversing the globe.
For those of us without such illustrious inheritance, Louis Vuitton has released 100 Legendary Trunks, a coffee table book (naturally) containing details of the trunks the company has manufactured for some of its more notable customers, including Ernest Hemmingway, Karl Lagerfeld and Sharon Stone.
Beats a wheelie bag any day.
NB: The picture above is an LV trunk in Tommy Hilfiger's gaff and the pic below is a shot of someone called Rinne Allen's living room. Click the pictures to go to the original sites the pictures come from.

100 Malles de Légende| Louis Vuitton from de jeunes gens modernes on Vimeo.